Dear Barrel Racers...
"Revolutionize Your Barrel Racing:
Shave Half a Second (Or More) Off Your Time in Just 5 Days - Without Endless Drills or Expensive New Horses"
Next Challenge Starts on Mar 3rd In...
Get Immediate Access to Previous Challenge Recordings When You Register
Is The "Half Second Faster Challenge"
If your horse shoulders the Barrel
If your horse refuses the alley
if your horse loses power in the turn
If you get so nervous that you black out going to the first barrel
If you Question your riding ability and it might be the time to quit
And we want to show you how to make Butter Smooth Turns Without Spending Countless Hours In The Saddle Or Putting Your Horse Through Tedious Drills.
Step 1
Register For The Half Second Faster Challenge
Click on any button on this page to register for Half Second Faster Challenge.
Step 2
Connect With New Era Sierra to Receive Challenge Updates and Enroll in Daily Giveaway
Once you register, you'll be redirected to a Thank you page. There you'll see a button to connect with New Era Sierra.
Step 3:
Show Up Live Everyday. Learn from Coaches and Win Buckle, Stirrups, etc.
Live Meeting link will be sent to you via email and SMS every day before we Go Live.
Mar 3 - 7 12PM CST
Lacking confidence, constantly second-guessing abilities and feeling like an imposter
Wanting to sell your horse and quit barrel racing completely out of frustration
Believing you're too old now, or just need to buy a more expensive prospect
Nervous wreck all week leading up to races, unable to sleep
Horse works beautifully at home but has meltdowns on race day, utterly embarrassing
Fear and anxiety cause mental blocks, especially on the first barrel
Feel like a total failure, devastated by poor runs and fearing you’ll never reach your goals
You never have enough time to practice so you feel unprepared on race day
New unshakable confidence and mental clarity like you've never felt before
No longer feel the need to sell your horse... fresh bond forged
Sparkle returns to your eyes as hopes and passions are restored
Shocking relief: It's not you... you just listened to the wrong people and the wrong methods
Clock shockingly fast improvements in just days - often over half a second and some even a Full second faster!
Feel deeply empowered with exclusive information that's completely unavailable elsewhere.
Connect with like-minded riders equally committed to doing right by their horses.
Escape the time drain of drills.
After Going Through Half Second Faster Challenge
You Don't Need to Spend Countless Hours In The Saddle Or Subjecting Your Horse to Tedious Drills
Hello! My name is Kendra Dickson.
I have been in the Top 15 in the world multiple times, earned numerous trips to the Texas Circuit Finals, and have over 40 years of barrel racing experience.
But even with all that success I was like most barrel racers and have felt disappointed, discouraged, and challenged in my barrel racing career.
But I am here to say I have found a new way, a better way, a groundbreaking way to run barrels and I want to be the one to share this with you in the Half Second Faster Challenge.
Through my journey and study of barrel racing, I have gained valuable insights that can help riders overcome the challenges they face and improve their horses.
I am here to say that my journey has led me down a path that is taking me in a whole new direction, a whole new way of thinking about partnership with our equine partners.
Are you ready to join and learn a new way of thinking about your barrel racing journey??
Are you ready to look at barrel racing in a whole new light, are you ready to start thinking outside the box? Are you ready to begin the Stall High journey?
My journey has led me to learn, grow, and become a better steward for my horse and I cannot wait to share with you some of the members of our Stall High Team.
They are making a difference in the barrel racing world and are teaching us a new way to look at not just barrel racing, but our horses….
Our online program will have you and your horse clocking .5 faster in no time.
Now pull your head out of your p@$$$t mistakes and come be the barrel racer I know you can be!
Day 1
If you wanna make it in rodeo, you better get yourself a business plan. Cut the fantasy cowboy crap and start using your brain, because talent alone won’t get you far.
An 8X NFR Qualifier, 2X American Rodeo Champion & highest earning Pro Steer Wrestler of all time, Matt Reeves has seen hundreds of cowboys & cowgirls crash and burn because they didn’t have a financial game plan together when it came to rodeo strategy. He's here now to save you from making the same mistakes.
If you’re willing to stop chasing rainbows and get real, Matt will transform you from a broke-down Betty to a strategic, profit-chasing force to be reckoned with! But you gotta be ready to listen up and drop the ego, you hear?
Now let’s do some Rodeo Math!
Day 2
Alright ladies, grab your latigo and get ready to have your minds blown wide open.
James Davison will blow the lid off everything you think you know about saddle fitting. After a lifetime of studying performance horses and their behaviors, James is here to tell you the ugly truth - traditional barrel racing tack could be holding your horse back!
In an industry where winning is what we all want, it is easy to follow the newest trends in saddles, bits, and pads.
But are those things really the best for your horse? And an even bigger question is are those things really best for you?? Is the saddle that is designed to hold you in, holding YOU back?
We have long looked to those who are winning as the standard to which we set our bar, but what if we missed the bigger picture? What if the saddle industry missed the mark?
James is here to help us understand the biomechanics of your body. If you really want to improve your riding, you need to start with the biomechanics.
So ditch the “barrel experts” advice and get ready to hear the unbridled truth from James. He won’t sugarcoat anything - if you can handle it, get ready to join the saddle fitting revolution! Let’s do this!
Day 3
That’s right, we said it. Venn Johns is one bad A Rodeo Ninja warrior (seriously he completed in American Ninja Warrior 2X) and he's here to expose those so-called “must have” barrel racing tools for what they really are. For too long the barrel racing industry has told us what equipment to use, but the equipment we’ve trusted could be causing the issues in our horses as well as ourselves. Well this ends TODAY!
Venn has spent decades perfecting his own rodeo skills. As a Pro Gymnast, a PBR bull rider, movie stunt man and jujitsu genius, he will help you understand why rubber bands and metal stirrups gotta go.Think we're just spouting opinions? WRONG! Stall High has data and technology with measurable results on the dashboard, folks.
The proof is clear as day - it’s time to ditch those outdated tools and unlock your horse’s true potential. Are you ready to hear how you can have a closer relationship with your horse that will not only bring you eye-opening insight into the equine athlete, but can help to shut the clock down quicker. If you really care about your relationship with your horse, you NEED to hear what Venn has to say. Do it for your horse!
Day 1
We've Been Taught Wrong: The Truth Every Barrel Racer Needs to Know
We've been told it's all about shoulders, riding longer, expensive horses with designer brand pedigrees, long-trotting to stay "legged up" and just hustling faster. LIES!
What you're about to learn is that we're literally riding the wrong direction, creating friction that feels like crap to a horse.
Lack confidence or speed? Sore back? Been blaming your age? Think again. We promise, you ride better than you know. But it's time to call out an industry failing the horses we cherish.
What we accept as "normal" is anything but. Are you ready to embrace truth and change direction completely, for the animals that give their all?
Then get ready, what Michael teaches will stir your soul.
Day 2
We focus so much on body condition and ignore the brain. Our brilliant Stride Coach, Leanna Rae, is exposing the truth - standard training wrecks horses mentally through chronic stress keeping them frozen in a fight-or- flight state of fear and learned dependency on a rider's hands.
We focus so much on body condition and ignore the brain. Leanna has decades studying movement and relational neuroscience. What she understands about equine minds and trauma is lightyears beyond old-school clinicians who are still pushing brutal drills and telling you to lope circles around the barrel.
The harsh reality - "normal" barrel training chronically stresses horses until their brain and body shut down. No amount of pedigrees, therapies, fancy devices or supplements can outrun that damage.
The Stall High Revolution pioneers compassionate training using science to convert brain power into practical horse power. We are bringing a new light to methods of training that bring balance to the mind and body of the horse.
Join the movement focused on mental soundness and changing barrel racing for good. The transformation starts by facing facts. Are you ready to ride with us as we make history in horsemanship?
Day 3
Winning came easy...until it didn't. They said "buy a faster horse!" But that only made things worse.
I was a good barrel racer once, won a lot of barrel racing buckles, saddles and even a couple horse trailers based on my horsemanship skills. I did all the "right" things - trotting for miles, endless circles, big pockets, years of slow work. It worked when I was a kid, but I was a big fish in a little pond back then. As I had to move up into the Open, my horses were great at home, but acted like they'd never seen a barrel on race day. They stopped working, started blowing past the first, dropping a shoulder at the second, leaving me confused and embarrassed to go home empty-handed.
Then a mentor asked one powerful question: What if everything you've been taught about running barrels is a lie? It cut me deep and smashed my ego. She cared more about my horses than hurting my feelings and I was at such a low point, ready to quit.. I decided to set my pride aside and gave it a try. It changed the direction of my life and took me from the bottom of the 4D to the Top 15 in the WPRA World Standings.
Want to know how I did it? Join the Challenge & I'll introduce you to a brand new style of barrel racing that's gonna rock the rodeo world!
But Hurry! We're Filling Up Fast...
Don't Just Take My Word For It!
Check out Challengers' Testimonies
Annie Herr And Sheryl Sawyer Filled Their WPRA Permits
"Stall high provided me with the knowledge I knew I needed but just couldn’t find. It has provided me more than just horse knowledge though. It has helped me know my body and my mind. It has given me the people and the coaches that any horse person would need to meet any goals they have set! Stall high has been the icing on the cake for my program!"
Wait... There Are More!
"I was so excited after watching the replay last night . I could barely sleep . I’ve been praying for my path and I feel this is part of my journey. Your program has helped me so much I can’t wait to learn more and prepare for the future."
- Emily Herrington
"I didn’t have the headstall set right. Since the clinics we moved up solidly to the 3D and 2D at smaller shows and the 3D/4D at shows with entries over 130. Huge difference in my mare and she just keeps getting faster!"
- Heather Jo Gallagher
That is where Kendra and Stall High has really showed me things that I’ve never seen or heard ever in 50 years! If you are the least bit curious of a single improvement you can make for yourself and your horse I can absolutely promise you this is priceless!
- Angie Thompson
Can I Give You Some Great News…?
We've Got The Breakthrough You've Been Waiting For!
For 20 years my ultra-light, resistance-free riding defined me as I climbed to Top 15 WPRA standings multiple times.
I took pride in that signature feel and connection.
Until the harsh awakening that my stylistic "gift" had betrayed every horse underneath me.
Despite having a closet full of buckles, I was clueless about biomechanical basics sabotaging us.
While my hands were feather-light, my imbalanced hips placed damaging forces on each horse's hocks - causing issues mistaken for age or overwork rather than my lack of education.
I was dumbfounded.
My style wasn't the artful gift I assumed, but rather an ignorance tax... sabotaging dreams and bodies in pursuit of accolades and ego.
Never stop seeking truth - because even complex puzzles like barrel racing always reveal deeper lessons ready to elevate you, if you have the courage to admit how much you still don't know.
Especially regarding the silent damage caused by innocent rider error.
My falls from Top 15 Standings became blessings once I embraced that wisdom and accountability to open new doors of sustainable success...
while pride, entitlement and willful blindness only inflict more pain on these generous teachers carrying us.
Keep listening.
For far too long, we've romanticized the notion of the "horse whisperer," believing that experienced riders possess the ability to hear the subtle murmurs of our equine partners.
In reality, our horses have been screaming their truth through every twitch, flicker, and even the slightest resistance - a desperate plea for understanding that falls upon the deaf ears of even the most seasoned horsemen.
The problem isn't that they're not communicating - it's that we've never learned to fully listen. The key to unlocking true partnership lies not in the whispers we strain to hear, but in the cries we've been conditioned to ignore.
Are you ready?
My goal is to illustrate the transformative journey from blissful ignorance and misplaced pride to a startling epiphany, ultimately leading to a profound awakening of accountability and wisdom, all deeply rooted in excellent stewardship for the horses we cherish.
FREE! 5 days of learning on Live Zoom Calls ($1,995 Value)
FREE! Access to daily assignments during the challenge! (PRICELESS!)
FREE! Access to Private Facebook Group! (PRICELESS!)
Chance to Win The Trophy Buckle & Cowhide Backpack (PRICELESS!)
(30 minutes per challenge day)
StallHigh LLC | PO Box 631175, Nacogdoches, TX, 75963
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